Billiards & media rooms
Billiards Room
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
The Billiards Room is located on the Lobby level. All are welcome to use this room as long as there is someone 18 years or older present while the room is in use.
Equipment may be borrowed from the Front Desk.
Media Room
Hours of Operation: 9 a.m. to 11 p.m.
The Media Room is located on the Lobby level. Only Homeowners and Long-Term Lessees are permitted usage of the Media Room. Immediate family members of the homeowner(s) are also permitted usage of the Media Room. Reservation requests for use of the Media Room can be made and accepted no more
than two weeks in advance. If the Media Room is not being used or is not reserved, and a
Homeowner/Long‐Term Lessee requests use of the Media Room at that time, it is permissible to grant
permission for its use.
The Media Room can only be reserved for one event per session. When reserving the Media Room, the
homeowner or long‐term lessee will need to specify the expected length of the event. Snacks are
allowed only while watching TV or movies. Snacks include popcorn, pretzels, cookies, crackers, Doritos,
potato chips, peanuts, candy and similar products. Snacks do not include sandwiches, soups, salads,
pizzas, and similar type foods. All such types of foods are strictly forbidden as their clean‐up is difficult.
Security will operate the media equipment. Security staff are responsible for the remote and will not
provide it to a homeowner, long‐term lessee, or immediate family member.