There are many ways to get involved at the Maisons-sur-Mer. One way is to join a committee. Contact any of the committee chairs listed below if you are interesting in serving.
AMENITIES & ENTERTAINMENT – Recommend and book entertainment, evaluate and make recommendations with
regard to Food & Beverage, pool, tennis courts, health rooms, media room, and game room.
Committee Co-Chairs: Sandra Lucas-Hyde. bodlucas-hyde@maisons-sur-mer.net / Beth Sumner bodsumner@maisons-sur-mer.net
Additional Members: Marilyn Brugler, Robbie Sparkes, Steve Sumner, Susie Attenberger, June Gaither, Buddy Gaither, Phyllis Johnson, Tom Vivirito, Chris Fleishman,
BUILDING & GROUNDS – Review and make recommendations regarding building systems, upgrades and renovations, maintenance as well as landscape programs.
Committee Chair: Marilyn Brugler. bodbruglerm@maisons-sur-mer.net
Additional Members: Bill DeVito, Nelson Houser, Debbie Houser, Ron Sentman.
FINANCE, BUDGET & AUDIT – Evaluate the system of internal controls, financial management, reporting of financial results, and the annual processes of budgeting and audit.
Committee Chair: Paul Mengert. bodmengert@maisons-sur-mer.net
Additional Members: Joe Cappalonga, Tom Kritzell
HOMEOWNERS WHO RENT – Collaborate with other landlords and make recommendations about conditions, arrival and departure processes, and measures in support of rental activities.
Committee Chair: June Gaither. bodgaither@maisons-sur-mer.net
Additional Members: Holly Baly, Steve Hill, Chris Fleishman
INSURANCE – Review and recommend policies with regard to insurance coverages, remediation activities, and overall risk management.
Committee Chair: June Gaither. bodgaither@maisons-sur-mer.net
Additional Members: Cary Wilson, Robbie Sparkes, Beth Sumner, Paul Mengert, Pam Holbrooks-Perkins
SAFETY & SECURITY – Strive to protect the safety and security of all owners, employees, and visitors to Maisons. Monitor and secure all assets within the property.
Committee Chair: Tom Vivirito tommyv749@aol.com
Additional Members: Lonnie Wolf, Beth Sumner, Roger Clark
ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW – Review homeowner applications for in-unit modifications to ensure compliance.
Committee Chair: Carlos Cometto. catraca@aol.com
Additional Members: Karl Wolf, Beth Sumner
COMMUNICATIONS REPORTING – Responsible for communications throughout the year to keep the Maisons community informed, maintenance of the association website and creation of a weekly newsletter that includes any activity or event updates.
Committee Co-Chairs: Sara Batla & Amanda Fitterer. communications@maisons-sur-mer.net
REAL ESTATE REPORTING – Monitor and report status of unit listings and sales in addition to overall evaluation of competitive marketplace and owner financing.
Committee Chair: Robin Bailey-Miles. rbailey5.rb@gmail.com
If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please contact the Chairperson